1. Make a bookmark!
Cut out the main part or some part of the card design to make an original book mark. A great alternative to a crinkled shop receipt or scrap of paper!
2. Resend your card as a Postcard.
Simply tear off the front image, trim for a clean edge. Draw on the postcard lines, allowing half for the message and the other half for the address. Put on a stamp and resend it as a postcard. A simple way to save money and reuse those fabulous card designs.
3. Journaling Memories.
Cut out and use the card in a journal or diary to remember special occasions, precious moments & messages. Adding your own design touches & comments as you go!
4. Gift Tags.
Cut out parts of the card and make them into present gift tags. Once you've cut out the desired shape, use a hole punch to create a hole for the string. Thread the string through the hole so that you can attach it to the present. Write your own creative message on the back.
5. Get Arty with the kids.
Collect all your old cards and cut them up into various shapes. These can either be completely abstract cuts for a pop of colour or specific features and items on the card. Now give the kids a piece of card & a glue stick and get creative!! You could always create a new collage card to resend!
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